MAI Schemes

As per Clause 3.2 MAI scheme is intended to provide financial assistance for mediumterm export promotion efforts with sharp focus on a country /Product, and is administered by Department Of Commerce, Financial assistance is available for Export Promotion Councils(EPCs), Industry and Trade Associations (ITAs), Agencies of State Governments, Indian Commercial Missions (ICMs) abroad and other eligible entities as may be notified.A whole range of activities can be funded under MAI scheme. These include, amongst others,
(i) Market studies,
(ii) Setting up of showroom / warehouse,
(iii) Sales promotion campaigns,
(iv) International departmental stores,
(v) Publicity campaigns,
(vi) Participation in international trade fairs,
(vii) Brand promotion,
(viii) Registration charges for pharmaceuticals and term export promotion efforts with sharp focus on a country / product,
(ix) Testing charges for engineering products.

For more details about MAI-Guidelines please click here

Interested member companies may please contact PEPC for participation details